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- 09/2025, Ars Electronica, Center Ars Electronica, Linz
- 8-9-10/05/2025, Superbooth, Fez, Berlin
- 8/11/2024, Modular Commune, 798 art center, Beijing
- 31/8/2024, Dutch Modular Fest, dB’s, Utrecht
- 8-12/02/2023, TEC ART, Rotterdam Art Week, WORM, Rotterdam
- 9-10/2022, Museum of the future, Enschede
- 8-11/09/2022, Gogbot festival, Enschede
- 25-30/06/2022, Graduation Show 2022 FUTURE, Scheemda
- 19-20/03/2022, RE:Present #1/22, Np3 RE:Search:Gallery, Groningen
- 28/01/2020, Open Day St.Joost, Den Bosch
Artist residence
- 6-7/2023, SubnetAIR, Center for Human-Computer Interaction, Salzburg
- 2-7/2025, CODE, IMPAKT, Utrecht
- 2022 Gogtbot Youngblood Nominee
- 2020-2022, Frank Mohr Institute, Master MADtech, Groningen
- 2011-2015, Beijing Union University, Bachelor Digital art, Beijing
- 2008-2011, The Middle School Affiliated To The National Academy Of Chinese Theatre Arts, Scenography, Beijing
- 4/2023- 11/2023 Modular Moon Asia Supervisor